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Tortilla with crispy chicken
Tortilla, iceberg, Philadelphia, crispy chicken, tomato, cheddar, mayonnaise with herbs, ketchup helmans.
13.99 BGN
Tortilla with pulled beef
Tortilla, iceberg, pickles, caramelized onions, mayonnaise with herbs, queen sauce.
13.99 BGN
Tortilla with pulled pork
tortilla, pulled pork from ribs, caramelized onion, tomato, cheddar, egg, golden BBQ sauce, garlic sauce.
13.45 BGN
Tortilla with smoked salmon
tortilla, smoked salmon fillet, guacamole, iceberg, tomato & aioli sauce.
13.99 BGN
Vegetarian tortilla
tortilla, red bean paste, guacamole, iceberg, tomato, grilled tofu, mayonnaise with herbs, garlic sauce.
11.45 BGN
Tortilla with prosciutto cotto
Tortilla, iceberg, philadelphia, prosciutto cotto, tomato, chedar, mayonnaise with herbs,ketchup helmans and queen sauce
13.45 BGN
Кесадия с хрупкаво пилешко и пържени картофки
Тортила, филаделфия, хрупкаво пилешко, айсберг, чедър, моцарела, домати, гуакамоле, гарнитура пържени картофки и сос айоли
15.95 BGN
Ciabatta with pulled pork
Freshly baked ciabatta, pork, caramelized onions, cheddar, iceberg, Philadelphia, golden BBQ sauce and garlic mayonnaise Helmans
12.45 BGN
Ciabatta with pulled beef
Прясно изпечена чабата, дърпано телешко месо, карамелизиран лук, запечена моцарела, кисели краставички и соево-чеснова майонеза
13.45 BGN
Ciabatta Surprise
Прясно изпечена чабата,дърпано патешко месо с червени боровинки глазирани с терияки сос,хрупкаво сиренце бри,айсберг и лимонена майонеза Хелмънс
13.95 BGN
Omelette with sun dried tomatoes
Eggs, dried tomatoes with a garnish of iceberg, cherry tomatoes and arugula
10.95 BGN
Omelette with ricotta and spinach
Eggs,ricotta cheese,baby spinach,with a garnish of iceberg, cherry tomatoes and arugula
10.95 BGN
Omelette with ricotta, avocado and truffel
Eggs,ricotta cheese,avocado and truffle with a garnish of iceberg, cherry tomatoes and arugula
11.45 BGN
Crispy chicken wings with sweet chili sauce
Хрупкави пилешки крилца с леко пикантна панировка
12.95 BGN
Crispy chicken wings with honey BBQ sauce
Хрупкави пилешки крилца с леко пикантна панировка
12.95 BGN